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Intersection of US Route 36 and Main Street
Tuscola, Illinois, 61938.
Business telephone; (217)253-9150.
Email address; doubledecker@conxxus.com

Welcome to our web site!

"I am pleased to introduce our business to you and to highlight the interesting array of antiques, primitives, collectibles, speciality items and unique gifts found within our store.
Since our inventory changes quite often you will need visit us frequently to discover what we have found for you.
We are located in central Illinois. Much, but certainly not all of the items we have reflect the heritage of the midwest, for many one of a kind and distinctively unusual items from locations through out America can be found "hidden" in our two story shop in the quaint but growing city of Tuscola, Illinois.
I have been active in the business of antiques and collectibles for half a century and have items you may well not find anywhere else. Additionally, there are several local entreprenteurs that have set up individual shops within our location, with each bringing specific interest uniqueness to the setting creating a broader range of items to select from.
Although my business is not new, advertising and selling with the utilization of the internet is new. This web site is in its infancy, as is the development of a listing with pictues for you to view.
Visit this site often to watch us grow and to receive updating of items available, especially watch for the Paddy Wagon Antiques' most newly discovered "special find" items".

             Today's                    "SPECIAL FIND" ITEMS

Antique Furniture
We have many pieces of antique and primitive furnishings that you truly must personally view to believe and, we are willing to bargain.

Lovely glassware and delicate adornmentss sutiable for any home or any fine collection.

Speciality Items
Buy one bunch of daisies - get the second bunch at half price. For best results, give them plenty of sun, frequent watering, and regular fertilization.

"I buy and sell antiques. These may include art, furniture, jewelry, books, bottles, cards, Coca Cola, collectibles, cookie jars, dolls, figurines, jewelry, metalware, minitures, paintings, postcards,rugs, or any item that has survived the ravages of time and so much more. 

I am basically a generalist who enjoys examining pieces of any type with historic, aesthetic, and financial value.

Dealing in antiques  is so interesting to me in that it involves so many things, including gaining knowledge of the pieces I buy and sell and getting to know the clients I do business with.

It is both fun and rewarding to be surrounded daily with items of financial and historical value and to discover so many new friends.

But you need to make a personal visit to our shop to really enjoy. Please come visit us soon"!


Paddy Wagon Antiques;
A Look Inside


Main entrance


First Floor view


Second Floor entrance


Second Floor view


Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for sales and specials!

You can e-mail us at:

Paddy Wagon Antiques * US Route 36 and Main Street * Tuscola, Illinois * US * 61953